South East
The South East has walks planned at different locations and we are always open to suggestions for new places to explore. Details of forthcoming mooches can be found in ‘Mooches Planned in 2019’.
As with all our mooches, they are designed as a social gathering and for those that want to know more about the breed. Other dogs are welcome. All walks will have option of Cafe, Pub lunch or Picnic.
Check out the posts in Mooch News – South East for more information about forthcoming walks and reports and photos from our past mooches. Updates can also be found on Facebook: The Manchester Terrier Fan Page
Anyone with a Manchester Terrier who lives in South East can plan a mooch and advertise it on this page and in Facebook. The group is open to suggestions about other walks and locations.
These are the planned dates in 2020:
Meeting at Moor Car Park, Cookham, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 9SB / OS map SU892853. Note if car park full, then other parking off road near by.
Set against the River Thames on a 4 mile easy walk which is flat and has a walk in dog friendly pub. Pub stop at 'The Bounty' a third of the way through the walk where can stop for lunch, drink and dog treats. These mooches are a way too socialise and we welcome those who are interested in the breed to come along. Other dogs are welcome.
Meeting at 11.00 at the cafe at Wittering Beach Car Park PO20 8AJ. It is £8/10 for car parking.
Simon Rapley is hosting this mooch. These mooches are a way too socialise and we welcome those who are interested in the breed to come along. Other dogs are welcome.
CANCELLED - due to Covid restrictions.
We will meet at Sylvia Beauty Centre Car Park GU28 0ET. The parking is free. It is a 5 minute walk up hill to the first lot of Petworth Gates (on A272). This is our last mooch before Christmas with the tradition of Port & Mince Pies before walk. It will be about a 2 hour walk with some rolling hills followed by an option of a pub lunch at The Cricketers which is a 3 mile drive away. These mooches are a way too socialise and we welcome those who are interested in the breed to come along. Other dogs are welcome.
This is our post Christmas 'Wobble Mooch. Meeting at The Swan Pub (GU12 5HA).
The walk has a few hills, heathland terrain, and wooded area with open spaces.
The option of a pub lunch at The Swan if we get back for 12 noon (no pre-booking). It is near Ash Vale train station line to Waterloo. These mooches are a way too socialise and we welcome those who are interested in the breed to come along. Other dogs are welcome.
If you want help to organise a Mooch in the South East please contact Linda Shaw. To advertise your Mooch on this page please contact Lesley Olbinson.
Linda Shaw
M: 07776 303735
Lesley Olbinson
M: 07989 154386