South West

The South West mooch is on Berrow Beach, Somerset, TA8 2QX. The numbers attending are gradually growing, the current record is 10 MTs

As with all our mooches, they are designed as a social gathering and for those that want to know more about the breed. Other dog breeds are welcome on the walks.

Anyone with a Manchester Terrier who lives in South West can plan a mooch and advertise it on this page and in Facebook. The group is open to suggestions about other walks and locations.

Check out the posts in Mooch News – South West below for more information about forthcoming walks and for reports and photos from our past mooches.  Forthcoming walks and updates can also be found on Facebook:  The Manchester Terrier Fan Page 


If you want help to organise a Mooch in South West please contact Jill Buxton. To advertise your Mooch on this page please contact Lesley Olbinson.

Jill Buxton

Lesley Olbinson
M: 07989 154386

 Mooch News – South West