Judges Competency Framework

Judges Competency Framework launched by the Kennel Club (KC) on 26th April 2017

The Kennel Club (KC) have introduced a new judging competency framework (JCF) which will cover all the training, mentoring and assessment of judges leading to them being able to award Challenge Certificates.

The new Framework proposes to provide a logical sequence of learning, practising, peer observation and examination and will cater for all judges at every level – it outlines a judge’s career path providing clear criteria for each stage.

Each level will also confirm judging privileges, making it clear to the judge and the show society who is eligible to judge which breed, and the number and the type of classes which may be judged.

The Framework was originally due to start in January 2019 will now commence in 2020 and will run alongside the current system for a three-year transition period, being fully operational from January 2023.

The KC will hold a database of all judges and aspiring judges, this will be instead to the current system where breed clubs have their own judging list, set of criteria and the judges sub- committee.

Full details of the JFC for judges can be found on the KC academy website. LINK

The club will hold a Breed Appreciation Day at least biannually. The first of these being 3rd November 2019.

The club Breed Education Coordinator is Gillian Knight and can be contacted at knight.talanors@talktalk.net

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