Breed notes 22.02.24
So, with Crufts sneaking up on us here’s the names in the teams to look out for. As mentioned in last week news, our Obreedience team Manchesters Reunited or Team MRU, will be in action on the Thursday 7th from 12pmin hall 5. The team members are Brenda (our Team Captain) with Sadie, Ann Harrison with Ash, Chris Harrison with Teal, Sue Pinkam with Lexi and the reserves are Lavinia Bailey with Donald and me and Grace. For those who haven’t hear of this event here’s a quick rundown. Throughout the year heats are held up and down the country, the teams can earn up to 10 points depending on the results. Each team complete a set pattern of heal work together and are marked by the judge on a variety of points e.g. working in line, maintaining distances, loose leads and working as a team! Once all teams have completed this they take on one of four exercises, send to bed, stop the dog, retrieve, and scent. These are then scored and added to the heel work score for the final placings, 1st gaining 10 points down to 10thscoring 1 point. The top 10 teams then go on to compete in the Crufts final, MRU finished in 6thplace this year, so once again get to grace the green carpet. We have had good success in the last few years actually winning in 2022, being hailed the most trainable breed, I’m sure some of you may find that hard to believe but its true that they can be if given the time and a lot of patience! If you are interested in finding out more drop me a line, we will be holding some training days later this year. Also competing on the Friday will be the Knights in the Breeders stakes finals. This is another event that has heats throughout the year at Championship shows. Each team demonstrated their ability to show together, similar to normal showing but on a grander scale. 4 dogs from the same breed stand and move together in turn in front of a judge who the places them from 1st – reserve. The teams with the highest points then also get to grace the green carpet in the finals in held in the main ring!! The team members are Teo Ch Talanors typically elite, who is 4, handled by Clive, Troy, Ch Talanors Time for Fun, who is 5 and handled by Frank, Chester, Ch Talanors diamond tornado, who is 7, handled by Lawence, Faith, Ch Talanors Time to Shine, who is 5 and handled by Christy and their Reserve, Trick, Talanors Diamond Treat, who is 7, handled by Gill. This event is usually televised and it’s quite impressive to see all the breed together. I must say its great to see all your videos and photo’s on FB of you MT’s taking part in so many different activities, looks like there was a great Mooch last weekend on Severn Beach with some of the MT’s sporting Mabel hats!!! If there is anything you would like including in the breed notes, however small, then please drop me a line.
Have a great week,
Lesley Olbinson Carapast