Breed Notes 21.03.24
Thursdays Obreedience finally took place from 12pm and were tightly contested. Before I continue I would just like to mention our Team Captain Brenda who sadly lost her lovely girl Sadie last week, she had been ill for a while and unfortunately was taken into the vets the day before the finals, we were hoping she would be there to lead the team out on the green carpet one last time and were grateful to Brenda and John for coming to support us whilst she was being treated. Sadie has been a valued and reliable member of MRU for many years and was part of the 2022 winning line up, she will be sadly missed by us all, always having the waggiest tail and giving the best nose bite kisses. Run free lovely girl. It’s always a wonderful feeling to take part in the parade before the competition starts, even though I was reserve on the day. Our team were in 6th place after the heal work round was completed. Time then to take their places to do the individual exercises Ann and Ash were first to do the send to bed, off he trotted and took his position perfectly, waiting for his lead to be replaced and scoring full marks, then it was Lavinia and Donalds turn for the stop the dog, Lavina was extremely nervous as she had to step in as reserve for the team just the week before and Donald had been a little unpredictable in heats preferring to go off for a sniff rather than listen to her commands but like a true superstar he pulled off a perfect exercise scoring another perfect 10, much to Lavinia’s relief which could clearly be seen when she commenced the play part of the exercise. Sue and Lexi’s stepped up for the retrieve, Lexi shot off to collect her dumbbell, you wouldn’t think she was 10 years old, and happily trotted back, she dropped just half a point for sitting too far back when presenting to Sue, lastly cheeky Teal with her handler Chris set up for the scent, cheeky as she sat a far back as she possibly could between Chri’s legs whilst the article was being placed without managing to peak! After the set up she raced to get her article and did a perfect present and finish to score another 10 points! Sitting in the stands is absolutely nerve wrecking and I couldn’t hide my excitement when they had all finished, and you can hear it on the recording!! We were now in 2nd place behind the Jack Russell’s!! Then there was the agonising wait for the last 5 teams to complete their exercises. It came down to the wire still being in 2nd as the last team took to the ring and with several dropped points we remained in the same place! Absolutely thrilled for The Russellers winning as they always enjoy the heats throughout the year and always give 110%, such happy dogs, more so with the fact out of the top four team there were three terrier teams, very impressive! Also on Thursday Gill Knight took part in the Vulnerable breed finals and did the breed proud but unfortunately was not placed. The Knights toot to the main ring on the Friday in The Breeders Stakes finals again doing a great job of showing our breed but no prizes this time. However they did pick up lovely rosettes from Our Dogs and Arden Grange for Top Dog, Breeder, Top brood bitch and Top stud dog!! Louise Plants girl Wren won Best pup of the year! Saturday Chris and Teal took part in the RKCGC finals, they did a fab job, Teal looked a little shell shocked a first with all the people sitting round the ring but soon engaged with Chris and did him proud. They came a very respectable 13th out of 30, no mean feat with the competition they were up against!!! Finally Sunday was show day!! Our judges main winners were: BCC & BOB Erkenwyne Firefly (Mrs J Jones). RBCC & BVIB Erkenwyne Lady Guinevere JW ShCM (Mrs J Thurlow). DCC Ch Talanors Time for Fun ShCEx (Mr F & Mrs P Warner). RDCC X-Pected Dine Mites Why Not Finn (Ms A Barkowsky. BPD & BPIB Wystry Depths of Glory for Sizlin (Mrs J Walker). A fantastic day for Judy Thurlow and her pups winning BCC, BOB, RBCC and BVIB!! Thrilled for Jenny with her girl Wispa taking BOB and getting to strut her stuff in the Group after the year they have had, what an amazing recovery! I think it’s a day they’ll remember for a long time, truly remarkable. I think I had better leave it at that now, they’ll be no room for anyone else. Have a great week.
Lesley Olbinson (crarapast)