New members area page

Welcome to the members’ area of the British Manchester Terrier Club (BMTC). Where we hope you find all the information you require about the club and its administration. On behalf of the Officers and Committee, the members area is updated and maintained by the Honorary Secretary. Please contact the Secretary if you have any questions about the information provided or you would like to see other information included in this area.

All relevant information can be found in the links on the side bar.

The club uses the Members Only Area and it’s Closed Facebook page ‘British Manchester Terrier Club Membership Only’ as far as possible to communicate with its members and send out Newsletters, AGM and other documents.

The Facebook group is a resource for the committee to:

  • share news and information with members about club activities; and
  • for members to provide feedback to the committee and share news and pictures of their dogs, shows and other related information.


BMTC Honorary Secretary:
Miss Estella Saxton
22 Summercourt Drive
NG15 9FT
T: (UK) 01623 439105